20th 國家新創獎_學研新創獎
2023 National Innovation Award-Academic Research Innovation
Fast-Acting Biofilm Removal Combination

技術簡介 Technology
當細菌在人工導管表面形成生物膜時,會引發生物膜相關性感染,進一步加劇病情並增加醫療系統的負擔。據統計,約 25% 的成人在住院期間需要使用導尿管,而高達 75% 的導尿管使用者患有導尿管相關性尿路感染(CAUTI)。 根據Future Market Insights 的數據,2022 年導尿管相關性尿路感染 治療的全球市場價值為 12.6 億美元,預計到 2033 年將增加至 17.6 億美元,年均複合成長率高達 3%。因此,開發創新的解決方案來預防或治療導尿管相關性尿路感染具有高度的商業價值。

本團隊的最新研究發現新穎小分子化合物SC5005與不飽和脂肪酸DHA具有高度協同殺菌活性,能在10 分鐘内清除臨床病人所拔除的導尿管上近 95% 的生物膜,且其活性不受細菌種類及抗藥性的影響,因此我們將此一組合命名為ERAfilm。ERAfilm對人類細胞無顯著毒性,且細菌在連續暴露於ERAfilm高達35天,均未出現抗藥性,顯示其俱有良好的安全性。基於 ERAfilm的快速清除生物膜的活性以及不誘導細菌產生抗藥性的特性,我們認為其非常有潛力發展成為一種導尿管生物膜清除產品,用以預防導尿管相關性尿路感染。目前我們正持續研發,以確保ERAfilm 在臨床應用中的安全性和有效性,為感染防護領域注入新的活力。
技術亮點 Key Technological Features
Fast-acting biofilm removal combination

Bacterial biofilm-associated infections, such as catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs), pose a significant global healthcare challenge. According to Future Market Insights (FMI), the global CAUTIs treatment market reached a valuation of USD$1.76 billion in 2033, presenting a lucrative business opportunity for innovative solutions aimed at CAUTI prevention.
ERAfilm, a novel combination of a small molecule compound SC5005 with the omega-3 fatty acid DHA, which can effectively eliminate nearly 95% of biofilms within 10 min on foley catheters removed from patients, regardless of bacterial species or antibiotic resistance. Notably, ERAfilm is non significant toxicity to human cells and bacteria did not develop resistance even after continuous exposure to ERAfilm for 35 days. In a healthcare landscape demanding innovation, ERAfilm emerges as a safe, effective, and promising solution, making it a potential therapy for eradicating catheter biofilms and preventing CAUTIs.
Contact Us
楊惠惠 MS. Hui-Hui Yeo